Tuesday 18 October 2011

Siri Voice Control For Iphone 4?

If you're wondering why you would ever want to jailbreak your iPhone, how about this: one hacker claims to have a rudimentary version of the Siri voice-enabled personal assistant running on an iPhone 4. Ireland-based hacker Steve Troughton-Smith, who uncovered the iPhone's Internet tethering capabilities in 2009, recently posted a screenshot of what he said was Siri running on his iPhone 4.

Apple so far has made Siri integration an exclusive feature for the iPhone 4S and said it would shut down the Siri iOS app on Saturday, October 15. Apple purchased the company behind the Siri iOS app in 2010.

It's hard to tell from the screenshot if this is truly Siri running on the iPhone 4. Even more convincing, however, was a video Troughton-Smith posted to YouTube showing what is clearly a jailbroken iPhone 4 running the Siri interface. You can tell it's an iPhone 4 since the device has only two antenna separators at the bottom of the phone, while the iPhone 4S has two at the bottom and two at the top.

While Siri landing on the iPhone 4 sounds promising, there are a few snags with Siri's unofficial port to the iPhone 4. First of all, it's not clear from the video whether any of Siri's voice commands are working. 9-to-5 Mac, which says it is working with Troughton-Smith on the port, claims the iPhone 4 can recognize spoken commands and can speak back to the user.

But it's not clear what that means since Troughton-Smith's video, as well as one provided by 9-to-5 Mac, do not show Siri speaking or anyone trying to interact with Siri using voice commands. One video does show that if you tap the Siri microphone button, the iPhone 4 responds with a double beep as it does on the iPhone 4S.

The other problem is that a lot of Siri's voice processing actually happens on Apple's servers, and so far Troughton-Smith has not figured out how to fool Apple into thinking an iPhone 4 is an iPhone 4S. Without access to Apple's servers, Siri won't be able to do much for iPhone 4 users. And if Troughton-Smith, or someone else, is successful in porting Siri's complete functionality, there's also the question of whether Apple's lawyers will try and stop the software from being distributed to jailbroken iPhone 4 users.  

Nevertheless, it's encouraging to see that Siri appears to be able to function on the iPhone 4 adding fuel to the latest iPhone debate: did Apple withhold Siri from the iPhone 4 for technical reasons or to encourage users to buy the latest and greatest iPhone?

 It's worth keeping in mind that Apple added Siri to the iPhone 4S as a beta release, so who knows? Perhaps Apple has plans to put Siri on the iPhone 4 once it has had time to work out the kinks for the voice command software on the iPhone 4S.

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Monday 17 October 2011

More Jailbreak News

Following the release of iOS 5 yesterday, many of you are searching for a unlock and untethered jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 5, and take advantage of some of the great new things it allows you to do, especially with the Notification Center.

To Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 4 iOs 5.0 Using FastRa1n Visit the Official Website www.FastUnlockiPhone.com
It is reported that unlock and untethered jailbreak iOS 5 for ipad ,iphone and ipod touch has been released by the name of FastRa1n from ww.FastUnlockiPhone.com Team. As we told you this morning, the only unlock and jailbreak iPhone 4 ios 5.0 currently available is FastRa1n untethered jailbreak ios 5.0, which works with every device besides the iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. It will allow you to unlock your device, and add tons of little apps and tweaks, through Cydia, that Apple would never have an you will be able to use your iPhone on any GSM Network worldwide.

So, what about the untethered jailbreak iOS 5.0? Well, you need to visit the official website of FastUnlockiPhone.com team and download the last version of FastRa1n, they've released the unlock and untethered jailbreak iPhone 4 iOs 5 . They have even found many exploits that have a good chance of allowing them to jailbreak the iPhone 4S 5.0.

As you might recall, current versions of iOS 5, dating all the way back to Beta 1, until the release of FastRa1n could only be jailbroken using the so-called "tethered" methods, such as Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze. Tethered jailbreaks are similar to untethered ones as far as features go, except for a big difference: tethered jailbreaks require the jailbroken device to be plugged into a computer running Rednsn0w every time it's powered on or rebooted, in order to launch iOS into a jailbroken state. While this process takes just a few minutes, it can be rather inconvenient, especially for users who are often on the road.

If you have been an ardent follower of the jailbreaking ios 5.0 scene, you might be aware of the fact that the FastUnlockiPhone.com, developers of FastRa1n jailbreak tool, have released the new FastRa1n Tool. Most recent releases who release untethered jailbreak exploit for iOS 5.0. In a bid to make people remember that the FastUnlockiPhone.com still exits, members earlier today released iOS 5 untethered jailbreak for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. They might also has iOS 5 untethered jailbreak for iPhone/iPad 2 ,the succeeded in dumping A5 bootrom there's a possibility that we might even get an iOS 5 untethered jailbreak on iPhone 4S.

Jailberaking your iPhone 4 5.0 will install Cydia on your iPhone. Mostly people in their mind have confusion that Cydia is an application store that supplies the pirated apps but the thing is not like that.It includes all the apps that are not authorized and signed by the Apple company.And these apps are not available in the official App store of Apple because Apple rejected them due to their harsh policies etc.But Cydia contains apps that you don't have to pay for it.

You can follow my blog to keep updated with all the latest Apple/Jailbreak news.

Jailbreaking Iphone 4S - Everything You Need To Know

By now you’re probably aware of the fact that Apple has announced the successor to the all-time famous iPhone 4, the iPhone 4S. If you’re an iPhone enthusiast, you might likely already be asking yourself how long it might take for users to get their hands on an untethered jailbreak for the new device. If recent indicators are to be believed, that might happen much sooner than you originally think.

 Unlike tethered jailbreaks (currently only available on A4-based devices like the iPhone 4, iPod touch 4G and the iPad 1), which are common for devices before a better solution is worked on, untethered jailbreaks does not require the user to plug their devices into computers running custom tools in order to boot their iPhones, iPads or iPod touches into a jailbroken state. Given this great advantage, you’re now likely able to understand why untethered jailbreaks are such a great deal and why everyone wants them.
Typically, untethered jailbreaks take months, if not several weeks, to reach the hands of excited enthusiasts, but that might be different this time around. A few weeks back, five ‘userland’ exploits were discovered in iPad 2 (which shares same A5 processor as the just announced iPhone 4S) by the most prominent figures of the iOS jailbreaking scene, namely p0sixninja and iOPK, the masterminds behind the famous untethered jailbreak tool GreenPois0n. Userland exploits are found on the software side (in iOS 5, likely tested on iPad 2), not the hardware, yet they can be just as powerful at granting jailbreakers full access to the device’s file system, and therefore implement a fully untethered jailbreak. This also means that jailbreaking solutions for the next iPhone can be developed even before the device has reached the shelves anywhere in the world. In order to stop Apple from correcting these vulnerabilities in iOS 5 before its release, details about these 5 exploits haven’t been released, yet once the new device is out, a full-blown jailbreaking tool for the iPhone 4S isn’t expected to take too long to be unveiled, perhaps just a few weeks.
The iPhone 4S was unveiled today at Apple’s "Let’s talk iPhone” event, which centered around the company’s mobile strategy, namely the iPhone and the iPod touch, which both saw significant upgrades today, along with iOS 5. Apple has also officially announced the debut of iCloud, its suite of several online offerings, which was previously only vaguely scheduled for release "this fall". This was also the first time that Tim Cook addressed the press as Apple’s CEO, after Steve Jobs abruptly resigned this summer over larger-than-expected health concerns.

You can follow my blog to keep updated with all the latest jailbreak news.